
Fall Hazard Risk Assessment matrix

For Access Point, Unprotected Skylight, and Unprotected edges A Risk Assessment Matrix is a tool used to assess the likelihood and severity of potential hazards in a workplace and can be used to determine appropriate risk control measures. When applied to the three areas of fall hazards as per OSHA (access points, unprotected skylights, and […]

Evaluating Safety Equipment Suppliers

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The safety equipment industry is constantly evolving to meet the emerging trends and challenges in workplace safety. Here are some points that need to be considered when you are evaluating safety equipment suppliers for revolutionizing workplace safety Is the supplier remain updated with emerging trends and challenges in the safety equipment industry? Is the supplier […]

Why do you need to protect skylights on a roof?

Skylights are a great way to introduce natural light to your facility, reduce operating costs, and increase employee morale. However, they pose a significant safety hazard. Skylights can inadvertently pose a risk of falling. Generally, these elements made of polycarbonate or fiberglass are considered non-vulnerable. However, this rule only applies during the construction phase of […]

Hazard Overview – Industrial Roof

Fall hazards are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries and fatalities in the World. As per OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, USA), falls from elevated surfaces such as roofs, skylights, and unprotected edges of buildings are considered significant hazards. Here’s an overview of OSHA’s guidelines for fall protection measures related to access […]

The Importance of Safety Gates in Enhancing Workplace Safety

Safety gates are a crucial component of any workplace safety plan, as they can help prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of safety gates, the different types of gates available, and how they can enhance workplace safety. Importance of Safety Gates Industrial swing gates are an effective […]

Enhancing Workplace Safety with EnduRail Railing – A Customizable Handrail Solutions

Creating a safe work environment is critical to the success of any business. Unfortunately, some companies choose the wrong products when it comes to implementing safety protocols. That’s where Chemey comes in. Our EnduRail Railing – Customizable handrail solutions are designed with ease of use, keeping its modularity. Our products do not require welding, making […]

Make Sure Your Workplace Is Up To OSHA Compliance on Fall Safety

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted every industry. Now that the economy has seen a significant rebound, manufacturing and oil & gas production are in full swing again. Safety measures are critical now more than ever, and particularly those pertaining to fall safety. While addressing the danger of falls is critical in all workplaces, […]

Key OSHA Standards for Work Platforms

Endustep with Wide step

Key OSHA Standards for Work Platforms According to OSHA: “A platform means a walking-working surface that is elevated above the surrounding area.” Since January 2017 when OSHA completely rewrote the standard 1910 Subpart D: Walking Working Surfaces, it has been nearly impossible to get a straight answer on what fall protection needs to have to […]

Basics of Fall Protection Rules

Horizontal Life Line

With falls being one of the most common causes of workplace injuries and deaths, workers who work at heights must understand the basics of fall protection. Being proactive by implementing compliant methods of fall protection and fall prevention can save lives and prevent injuries. Consequently, it is important to be aware of basic fall protection […]

Guardrails – A popular form of fall protection on rooftop

Whenever our customers ask us to recommend a rooftop safety solution, we always follow hierarchy of hazard control to recommend the most appropriate form of fall protection. Avoid working a height or Eliminate hazard by redesigning work practice Prevent falls using collective equipment Restraint falls using personal protective equipment Arrest Fall using personal protective equipment […]