- Survey Date: 7 February 2022
- Site: Bengaluru Water and Sewage Supply Board (BWSSB)
- Sewage treatment plant Location: Hulimau and KR Puram, Bangalore
Handrail Issues Faced By STP’s
- Like all other STP’s – BWSSB were facing grave concern of periodical maintenance & replacement of MS Handrails at their STP’s at an interval of every 3 – 5 years due to corrosion. Periodical maintenance & replacement of handrails always a challenge considering fall & drowning hazards in fully operational plant.
- STP’s across India are meticulously trying replacement of MS + Painted Handrails with MOC like FRP and Stainless Steel. With SS pitting corrosion marks and corrosion at weld joints are unavoidable while Deterioration of material strength in FRP due to UV is observed along with brittleness. FRP railing joinery is a challenge and joints were found broken at many STP’s during operation. FRP Railing with MS bases were found corroded and resulted in low strength after 2 years of service life.
- Team BWSSB also noticed most conducive corrosion resistance properties of Aluminium metal between pH 4.0 to 10.5 and started looking as an option to explore as Handrail solution.
Option Offered On July 2019:
- One of the leading Hyderabad based EPC contractor-M/s EUROTEK India was asked to search for sustainable solutions in Aluminiumhandrailing for BWSSB’s upcoming project in Hulimau and KR Puram region at Bengaluru.
- They identified our product EnduRail all aluminium modular handrail as an solution and introduce that to BWSSB as solution.
- Compliance requirement for handrail were as per international criteria and safety standard of OSHA and EN.
- BWSSB had accepted the solution and gave clearance to use and install Endurail all aluminium modular handrail using structural fittings.Endurail was installed in period of August 2019 to September 2019.
Below Mention Some Pictures During Above Installation Period:

Site Survey Conducted For Performance Evaluation Of Handrailing After 3 Years:
- Survey Date: 7 February 2022
- Permission taken on Day of Observation from M/s Eutotek who are also O & M Contractor for both the STP’s.
Below Are Pictures Clicked On Day Of Survey.

Parameters after three years
- Material Properties
- Maintenance Ease
- Effect of Moisture and Gaseous fumes
- Aesthetics appeal After three years
ENDURAIL – Aluminium handrailing system
- Endurail AluminiumRailing strength and loosening of any structural members were checked
- Corrosion effect on Aluminium Fittings and PipesRemoval & Reinstallation
- Removal & Reinstallation
Effect of corrosive gases and moisture on inside surface of pipe of railing
– Metallic and Appealing Look.

- No fitment found lose and strength was same as installed
- No visible corrosion or deterioration on Aluminium surface was observed.
- During communication with site operators, they removed and reinstalled railing for maintenance of equipment without facing any major challenges
- No corrosion or metal loss noticed
- Installed Handrail Aluminium surface was observed same as it was on the day of installation.
- Beside comparative photo is self-explanatory against our fresh small handrail sample.
Endurail performed successfully with unique material properties, design requirement and No maintenance service criteria.
BWSSB proposed to accept Aluminium handrailing assembled with AA 6082 T6 pipes and LM25TF Structural aluminium fittings & Dynamically tested as per ASTM E935 for strength and deflection compliance as per OSHA 191.29 CFR as a sustainable solution to achieve below goals:
- Strong & Durable alternative to old method of MS/GI/FRP handrail
- Easy Assembly & Reusability
- Flexibility – Railing can be restructured as per site modification requirement
- Installation Labour Savings
- Zero maintenance handrail for last three years
- No ‐ Welding, Threading, Bolting and No Drilling on site